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Ali Zahid

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Provide a little introduction about yourself, where are you from? 

I am from Rochester, NY. Before coming to UB I attended SUNY Brockport where I completed a degree in Biochemistry.

What are your hobbies? 

I enjoy playing basketball and watching Barstool Sports pizza reviews on YouTube. One bite, everybody knows the rules.  

Where do you hope to be after you are finished with pharmacy school?

I'm thinking about completing 1-2 years of residency. I'd also like to teach one day.

What did you accomplish at the end of your P1 year?

I met a lot of cool people, joined some professional organizations and became class president!

One piece of advice that you would give to someone preparing for pharmacy school.

Be ready to step outside of your comfort zone. Understand that pharmacy school is all about growth. Don't get caught up in the small victories or defeats, but instead look towards the end goal. And will always be given at Kapoor to those who ask for it.


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