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Hien Lam

Provide a little introduction about yourself...where are you from?

I am from Vietnam.

What are your hobbies?

Do you count laying on bed? I enjoy watching movies, reading books (manga), surfing on Instagram, hiking, swimming, traveling, etc.

What are your career goals?

What did you accomplish in your P1 year? What do you hope to accomplish by the time you graduate?

I have spent a lot of money from my bank account while have not deposit any into it. By the end of P4, I hope that I will know more about what I want to do, and be gonna have a wonderful career after graduation.

What is one piece of advice you would give someone to prepare for pharmacy school?

Provide a little introduction about yourself...where are you from?

Dream Big and Study Hard!

What are your career goals?

A clinical pharmacist and an educator. I can see that I will have just finished the residency program 2 years after pharmacy school. The next 5 years will be more interesting because I must work my *** off in order to pay off my education loan. Eventually, I will enjoy my life with my family and do a lot of things with them in 10 years later.

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