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Autumn Spyhalsky

Provide a little introduction about yourself...where are you from?

Hiya! My name is Autumn Spyhalsky and I am from a small town called Woodstock New York (about halfway between Albany and New York City). I decided to join LKS in hopes of finding a community while embarking on my journey of pharmacy school. My choice of pharmacy as my career revolved around my passion for serving others, and my specific interest in learning about drugs and substance abuse disorder. If in-person classes were to be taking place you would probably find me with a pike's place coffee in hand from Perks (a coffee shop in the pharmacy building), at nearly any time of the day. My quarantine activities have centered on exploring Buffalo (specifically Delaware Park and Hertel Ave), taking up some biking, reading dystopian novels and spending quality time with my closest friends and family (i've also finished a few docuseries on netflix.... queue the pharmacist and filthy rich).

What are your hobbies?

Running, backpacking, rock climbing (basically anything outside)! Big fan of the Office and the Handmaid's Tale. Love finding new vegan recipes to try out & reading dystopian novels. (:

What are your career goals?

Hope to pursue a career in Ambulatory Care!

What did you accomplish in your P1 year? What do you hope to accomplish by the time you graduate?

I was able to pursue three leadership roles in different professional organizations while successfully completing my P1 year academically. I hope to continue to grow in my development as a professional through my academic courses as well as the organizations I am involved with and gain confidence in my role as a pharmacist upon graduation.

What is one piece of advice you would give someone to prepare for pharmacy school?

You made it this far, trust yourself, your intelligence and motivations to help carry you through the rest of the way! Surround yourself with people who support you and make you feel empowered (try to do the same for others in return). Don't lose sight of prioritizing time for yourself mentally and physically in the midst of our heavy course loads.

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