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Vicki Trieu




Provide a little introduction about yourself, where are you from? 


I was born and raised in Rochester, NY. I love Disney World/Land/Films/Movies, you name it *fingerguns* You'll know me as that person who wears high heels even when there's a blizzard :)

What are your hobbies? 

lol, sleep. Does window shopping & add-to-cart-but-never-purchase count?

Where do you hope to be after you are finished with pharmacy school?

Debt free and chilling on hot Florida beaches (and obviously Disney World :3 And of course have a stable career)


What did you accomplish at the end of your P1 year?

Surviving with some sanity

One piece of advice that you would give to someone preparing for pharmacy school.

No matter what advice we give, it's up to you to make it happen: Even if you may be struggling and may begin to have thoughts of turning back, remember that you're not alone in your hardships; with time you'll find yourself succeeding where you had once thought you would never accomplish.


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