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Mark Yetto

Provide a little introduction about yourself...where are you from?

Hello! My name is Mark and I'm a born and raised Buffalonian. I transferred to the University at Buffalo for Chemistry undergrad in 2017.

What are your hobbies?

My hobby is finding new hobbies: I like baking, working out, writing, reading, going to concerts, fashion, and singing alone in my car.

What are your career goals?

I am not yet sure what type of pharmacy I'd like to work in. I'm excited to see where the coming years take me.

What did you accomplish in your P1 year? What do you hope to accomplish by the time you graduate?

I've joined LKS and APhA, gotten a job as a pharmacy technician, and learned a lot about my future career. I'd like to find my passion in pharmacy and engage in diverse IPPE's and APPE's.

What is one piece of advice you would give someone to prepare for pharmacy school?

Develop good study habits early on and find a comfortable study spot. Also, take every opportunity you come across - build your resumé and learn to enjoy being busy!

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