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Carrie Yu

Provide a little introduction about yourself...where are you from?

Greetings, and welcome to my profile! My name is Carrie Yu, and I am from Queens, NY. I recently graduated from University of Michigan with a B.S. in Chemistry, and currently I am pursuing a pharmD at Buffalo (yes, I have moved from one snowy city to another)!

What are your hobbies?

In my spare time, I like to relax by catching up on my favorite mindless television shows. When I am really feeling fancy though, then I like to get together with my friends and play board games or attempt to be artsy. Something new this year is that I learned I really enjoy cooking - I found that it is a great way to procrastinate (not that I am encouraging procrastination, but it is always important to let your mind take a break from all the studying).

What are your career goals?

Like most other people, I would like a stable career that continues to stimulate and excite me every day. 10 years after pharmacy school, I would like to be in a position of sufficient power and influence where I can return to my community and teach the younger generation the importance of my job and help guide them in the right direction to attain their own goals.

What did you accomplish in your P1 year? What do you hope to accomplish by the time you graduate?

So far, I have joined two organizations and was able to obtain a position in one of them. Although I ran for P1 Course Coordinator against four other people and lost, I am still proud of myself for having put myself out there. By the time I get to P4 year, I would like to have a lot more positions and leadership experiences under my belt.

What is one piece of advice you would give someone to prepare for pharmacy school?

Provide a little introduction about yourself...where are you from?

Pharmacy school may sound daunting, but it is definitely manageable - especially if you surround yourself with a group of supportive friends. What consoles me is the fact that, yes, I do have four tests in seven days, but so do the rest of my peers and my fellow upperclassmen. If they can do it and survive, so can we! So believe in yourself, and give it your best shot. Good luck!!

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